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10 fun, No-Fail Activities for People with Dementia

Seniors with dementia need activities where they’re successful

Everyday activities can become too difficult for older adults with Alzheimer’s-or dementia. But they still have the need to be successful at something.

That’s why failure-free activities for people with dementia are so important – they always come out “right” no matter what.

Being happily engaged in a satisfying activity reduces agitation, anxiety, depression, and anger. It may even reduce sundowning behavior or the need for medication.

To keep your older adult feeling good, we’ve got 10 simple activity ideas that have no right or wrong way to do them. Plus, they’re free or very low cost!

Note: Each person is different, so it might take some trial and error to find activities that appeal to them. As always, avoid sharp objects and only give items that will be safe for your older adult. For example, if they tend to put things in their mouth or tie up body parts, avoid small pieces or string.


1. Fold towels
Asking an older adult to help you fold laundry is a great way to keep them occupied, give them an activity they can feel successful at, and help them feel like they’re contributing to the household.

The goal is just to keep them happily engaged. It’s best to use hand towels because they’re small and easily folded. No matter how well or poorly the towels are folded, the point is that your older adult feels good about the activity.

2. Create a memory box
A memory or rummage box can help your older adult feel connected to their past career and previous hobbies. Get any kind of box and fill it with things they would have used at work, copies of photos and non-important keepsakes, or objects from hobbies.

For example, for a former office worker, create a box that reminds them of their career. Include paper clips, pencils, erasers, paper, letters (junk mail), a calculator, file folders, notepads, etc. in the box.

If the person used to do handy work, put nuts, bolts, pvc pipe pieces and fittings, a piece of wood (no splinters), fine grit sandpaper, and twine in their box. Someone who enjoyed cooking or baking might enjoy measuring spoons, a whisk, a spatula, and other related items.

This can work for any type of job or hobby, just be creative about finding objects that will be safe to handle.

3. Untie knots
Find our buy a length of medium-thickness rope from the local hardware store. Loosely tie a few simple knots and ask your older adult to help you untie them.

4. Thread pasta with yarn or string
Get some dry pasta with big holes and some thick yarn or regular string. Make a “needle” by taping around the end of the string, making it longer than the piece of pasta. Have your older adult string the pasta using their “needle” and thread.

5. Create a box of fun fabrics
This is fun for everyone, but especially for someone who used to enjoy sewing or fabric crafts.

Get a box and put dozens of pieces of assorted fabrics inside. Try to get different colors and a variety of textures like lace, felt, silk, velvet, wool, cotton, etc. Your older adult can enjoy touching, folding, and sorting the fabrics.

https://dailycaring.com/10-fun-failure-free-activities-for-people-with-dementia/ ■